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             In order to understand factors leading to Uber’s success, a business model canvas is useful. Uber’s customer segments can be divided as follows:

  • Speed: I want a ride NOW segment. They usually flag down taxis from the street. Customers are attracted by the full accessibility to Uber app and can pre-book Uber before arrival and have it waiting. Uber match-makes customer to driver. Customers are in control (choice of car) and can track down the driver using the map.

  • Cost: I want a cost-effective ride/ to share the ride to reduce cost. It avoids the premium price of the street cars with cheaper Uber service. UberX offers the cheapest service in the range.

  • Choice: 1) Experiences: I want a luxury ride. There are a range of cars to choose from UberX to LUX. 2) Preferences: The car range delivers control to the customers to choose from: cheap service, luxury (Black taxi and LUX), car sharing etc.

  • Business travel: Companies form partnerships with Uber as a way of providing incentives for their employees covering their daily trips to work and business travels.


Value proposition

Uber provides customers with following values:

  • Convenience: Customers order by smartphone and service comes to their doorstep;

  • Control: It allows customers to choose whatever car they want. Customers can track the car through mapping and Uber also provides notification alter when the car arrives;

  • Cashless payment: Customer links their digital payments account with Uber, so they do not need to worry about cash or changes;

  • Meet different customers' need: Uber offers a range of cars from cost-effective ride to high-end travel to meet different customers’ need.

  • Business travel made easy: Companies can cooperate with Uber to get their employees rides to work as well as business travel.


While for drivers, Uber helps them:

  • To earn extra income: Uber recruit both professional taxi drivers or private car owners who want to earn extra money;

  • To work whenever you want: Drivers can choose to work whenever it is convenient for them by logging in or off the app;

  • To increase hourly wages: As the efficiency is increased through Uber’s network effects, the average hourly wages are higher than traditional taxi hiring.


Key Activities

  • Creating and maintaining the app

  • Business development: As Uber grows, there is on-demand need for cooperating with other businesses as well as developing its current business in other areas;

  • Attracting more drivers and customers/marketing: In order to provide full access whenever customer needs a ride, Uber has to work on recruiting more drivers to sustain its business.

  • Fighting the wrong press

  • Tackling legal issues



  • Mobile App

  • Partnerships: Uber establishes partnership with a lot of big brands in order to promote their application.

  • Events: Uber also takes advantages of sports events when it is difficult to get a taxi.

  • Social media


Customer Relationships

  • Push notification

  • Transparent rating: Customers are supposed to rate the driver and get rated after each ride.

  • Offers/discounts: Uber offers referral bonus and promotion discount to maintain customer relationship as well as attracting new customers.


Key Resources

  • Marketplace platform

  • Customer database

  • Financial resources

  • Intellectual property

  • Staff and developers


Key Partners

  • Drivers

  • Other businesses


Cost Structure

  • No investments on cars

  • App/website development/maintenance costs


Revenue Streams

  • 20% cut on all rides

  • Events/stages: Uber cooperates with companies who want to make the best use of its network and charge certain amount of fee.


© 2016 by Catalyst Team, Lancaster University.


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